Online training programs

Pricing per Month

R820 / Twice a week

Personalized workouts to meet goals with regular accountability, monitoring of workouts, and tracking of mental health goals and habits. Receive free content related to wellness and psychology.

R1050/ Three times a week

Personalized workouts to meet goals with regular accountability, monitoring of workouts, and tracking of mental health goals and habits. Receive free content related to wellness and psychology.

R650 / monthly  running program 

Personalized running program with 3 sessions per week including standardized conditioning and stretching sessions and content with the option of nutritional guidance to prepare for a race. 

Duration of Contract: This contract shall be effective for a duration of 4 months from the date of signing,

Your health is a priority but busy schedules don’t always allow you to keep to a time slot

Now you can train with more flexibility, with a personal touch, and accountability online.

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Brittany Foxx


Accessible anywhere, to go everywhere.

Workouts ​are scheduled to keep you going through an app to track your progress, habits, and even your heart rate to monitor your intensity.

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